Project Overview Page

What is the project overview page?

The project overview page provides summary information on your project and the analyses run within it. This page is only accessible to project members. It is the page you will first be directed to when you click into a project. 

You can access the project overview page by going to the project menu and clicking Overview.

The first section of the page provides summary information on the project, including

  • How many sites have been created in the project
  • How many minutes of recordings are in the project
  • How many playlists have been created in the project
  • How many species have been added to the project

The next section of the page shows a map of the project sites (shown by blue circles). 

The final section of the page provides a snapshot of the analyses run in the project, including

  • Number of templates
  • Number of training sets
  • Number of species analyzed using PM, RFM, and AED-C
  • Number of soundscape jobs