Monitoring the Status of Jobs

To view the status of jobs you have run, go to the project and open the left-hand-side menu bar. Click ‘Audio analyses’ and then ‘Active jobs’. Here you will see the progress of each job you have run in the last 90 days. Jobs that are older than 90 days can be viewed on the respective analysis type’s page.

The list will show you the name of the job, type of analysis, when it was sent, and its status. 

  • ‘Waiting’ means that the job has been sent to the Arbimon server and is in the queue to be run. Jobs in Arbimon are added to the queue in the order they’re received, so if many people are trying to run a lot of jobs at once, the queue may be slower. 
  • Once your job has been initiated, the status will show a progress bar that shows the completion percentage. 
  • When the job is finished, the status will change to ‘completed’.  

You can cancel jobs that are waiting or still running by clicking the ‘Cancel’ button.