Exporting Project Backups

The project back-up provides a way of downloading all the raw data within your Arbimon project. This includes CSV files containing information on all sites, species, playlists, recordings, validations and job results (PM, RFM, soundscapes, etc.). You can request a backup once every 7 days.

You can download all the recordings from your project using the links in the recordings.csv file - see this help page for step-by-step instructions.

Because these are a suite of spreadsheets, typically the backup files are collectively only a few GB.

Please note that derived files (such as the exports and figures in the Insights pages) are not included in this backup and should be downloaded from the relevant Insights page (learn how to do that here).

Step 1

In the main menu on the left side of the screen, go to 'Project Settings' then 'Project information'

Step 2

Scroll to the bottom of the Project information page until you see the Project back-up section.

Step 3

Click on the the 'Request backup' button and you will then see a pop-up confirming the backup. Click 'Request backup' again to begin the process.

Step 4

Once requested, your download link will be ready within 24 hours. You can check the status of the backup as listed in the screenshot below.

Remember, download links expire after 7 days, so be sure to save your backup promptly!

When you download the zip file and open it, it will look like this.

You may see multiple files with the same name and a number (in the above example, pattern_matching_rois_001.csv and so on). This will happen if the original CSV file had a very large number of rows; the file will be split into multiple CSVs.

The file types are:

  • pattern_matchings.csv = information on PM jobs that have been run in the project

  • pattern_matching_rois.csv = results of PM jobs (+ validations)

  • playlists.csv = information on playlists created in the project

  • playlist_recordings.csv = the recordings included in each playlist

  • recordings.csv = all recordings in the projects (+ links to download raw files, see this page to do so)

  • recording_validations.csv = species validations in recordings

  • rfm_models.csv = information on the rfm models created in the project

  • rfm_classifications.csv = results of the RFM classification jobs

  • sites.csv = list of sites in the project and associated metadata

  • species.csv = list of species and associated songtypes added to the project

  • templates.csv = all project templates (+ links to download raw files, see this page to do so)
    • *note that you can also bulk-download project templates as WAV files separately (see this page for the steps)

  • soundscapes.csv = information on all soundscape jobs run in the project
    • *note that you can bulk-download the results of all soundscape jobs separately (see bottom of this page for the steps)

5. Downloading recordings

You can download your raw recordings using the recordings.csv file. Follow the steps in the support page here to do so.