Using the Public Template Library

What is the Public Template Library?

The Public Template Library is a crowd-sourced repository of templates (good examples of species-specific calls). The Public Template Library offers a variety of templates that can be added and used in your own project, so you will be able to run a pattern matching job even if you don’t have any of your own templates created. 

The Public Template Library currently has >13,000 templates, for 2,800 species!

How are templates added to the Public Template Library?

If your project is published (more on that here), the templates from that project will automatically get added to the Public Template Library. Additionally, you can make your project’s templates public while keeping your project private. You can do this on the Project Templates page by clicking the toggle to 'ON' (outlined below). Making your templates public allows everyone to use them with a CC0 license, and facilitates collaboration and information-sharing among Arbimon users!

How to Use the Public Template Library

1. Go to the project menu and click Audio analyses, then Pattern Matching. Click on the Public Templates tab. 

2. You will see the list of templates in the Public Template Library. You can search by scientific name, common name, and also filter by taxonomic group. 

3. To add a public template to your project, click the + button. You can add as many public templates to your project.

If you have public templates that you have saved to your project, you will see them in this list as well, alongside the 'linked' marker (outlined in the yellow in the screenshot below). You'll also be able to see the user who added that template and the source project it came from (hover over to see the full name).