What's New with Arbimon? (February 2024)

Arbimon has a new look and a suite of exciting new features and updates! Read on to learn more about:

  • a new homepage
  • the Arbimon Project Directory
  • new navigation & menus
  • updated Project Overview page
  • updated Insights pages
  • our new Arbimon branding
  • updated support docs

A New Homepage

Arbimon now has a suite of landing pages that showcase its global community, powerful features, and our own team's collaborative work. We encourage you to explore the new Arbimon site! Some of the new pages are:

The Arbimon Project Directory

The Arbimon Project Directory allows us to highlight the amazing work that our thousands of users, collaborators, and partners are engaged in. We love when Arbimon users can find opportunities to work together and magnify the scope of their projects! The Directory facilitates those connections so that people can see who else on ecoacoustics in certain regions or with particular species.

All projects with at least 1000 recordings are searchable within the directory, but the amount of information displayed varies based on whether your project is public or private. We use the mean GPS point of all sites in your project to create that project's dot on the map.

If your project is private, only the project name and summary stats (# of recordings, # sites, etc.) will be shown. If your project is public, the directory will show information on your project and its Insights (and link to the full project Insights page).

We encourage you to make your Project Insights public so that others can view your amazing work! It will also help to facilitate collaboration and share knowledge amongst the ecoacoustics and conservation community.

New Navigation & Menus

When you log-in to Arbimon and go into your projects, you'll notice that Arbimon has a new navigation structure. The primary project menu is now on the left-side of your screen and grouped into these sections:

  • Overview (project information and summary stats)
  • Import (add recordings, download Uploader app)
  • Explore (data management and exploration)
    • Visualizer (help page here)
    • Sites
    • Recordings
    • Species
    • Playlists
  • Audio analyses (help pages here)
    • Active Jobs (view status of jobs)
    • Pattern Matching (templates included within)
    • Random Forest Model (training sets included within)
    • Audio Event Detection & Clustering
    • Soundscapes
  • Ecological insights (help pages here)
  • Project settings
    • Project information
    • Members (manage/add users)

Some other helpful tips if you can't find the page you're looking for:

  • The Visualizer is now housed within 'Explore'
  • Templates are now housed within 'Audio analyses' -> Pattern Matching
  • Training sets are now housed within 'Audio analyses' -> Random Forest Model
  • Insights are now housed within your Arbimon project as 'Ecological Insights' (rather than being hosted in a separate site)

Check out our new Navigation help page for more info.

Updated Project Overview page

The project overview page has a new look to better highlight the descriptive stats of your project, such as the number of analyses run, sites (with a map showing them), species detected, and minutes of recordings. Learn more about the Project Overview page here.

Updated Insights Dashboard

We've updated the Insights dashboard/overview page to showcase more about your project. There are now dedicated sections where you can input text on the project Background, Methods, Key Results, Stakeholders, and other Resources. The Stakeholders page allows you to add your collaborators, funders, and project partners. You can also select Highlighted Species to show particularly important species (endangered, endemic, etc.). Learn more about how to edit your Insights Overview page here.

You can now easily publish your Insights by clicking the 'Share Insights on Arbimon' button. This will allow guests to view your project Insights pages (Overview, Richness, Activity & Spotlight). They won't be able to edit anything unless they're a project member. Learn more about the new Insights pages in our updated support docs here.

Publishing information about your project and its results is a great way to share your study with the larger scientific community, funders, and other stakeholders. Our Insights pages are designed to be accessible and interpretable by a variety of different audiences. It will also help to facilitate collaboration and share knowledge amongst the ecoacoustics and conservation community. We love when Arbimon users can find opportunities to work together and magnify the scope of their projects!

New Species Page

We've added templates directly to the Species page! In the project menu, go to Explore -> Species, and you will see that species are listed alongside the Project Templates (those you have created yourself) and Public Templates (those which can be added from our Public Template Library). When you add new species to your project, any templates already in the Public Template Library will show up so that you have a starting point before exploring your own recordings (saving you time!).

A New Look

We've updated the platform to align with Arbimon's new brand colors, fonts, and logo. We're excited to have given Arbimon a more modern and clean look, with bright greens and pinks against dark backgrounds.

Updated Support Docs

We've updated all of our support documentation to reflect these changes and given these help docs and how-tos a new home at help.arbimon.org. The support page hierarchy mirrors that of the new Arbimon menu navigation.

Thank You!

We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we make sure everything in the platform has transitioned well! If you come across any errors or bugs, please reach out to us at contact@arbimon.org so we can make it right. The Arbimon team is so grateful to our incredible community of conservationists, ecologists, funders, partners, and stakeholders - you all are why we do what we do. We look forward to continue making Arbimon a powerhouse for biodiversity monitoring.